Grenadier 4x4 Friday in Southern California

What is 4×4 Friday?

On the 3rd Friday of every month, a group of fun Grenadier drivers meet for a half day drive. We stick to intermediate level trails that all Grenadiers can easily handle, and we’re fortunate to have several experienced clients that help scout and guide these trips. Rusnak INEOS Grenadier provides food, beverages and encouragement.


Check out some photos below from our recent 4X4 Friday in the Hungry Valley SVRA (State Vehicular Recreation Area) in Gorman, California.


Joining us on one of these drives is easy. There is no RSVP needed but just reach out to us on Facebook or Instagram so we can plan on you joining us!


Here’s to your next Grenadier adventure!

Grenadier 4x4 Friday

Rusnak INEOS Grenadier 34.1459039, -118.1600776.